
Genre Count
NonPoetry 5
Gender Count
Role Count
Contributor 5


Title Person Published Name Role Genre Gender
On a constant water-supply for London John Frederic La Trobe Bateman John Frederic La Trobe Bateman Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
On the amendment of the vaccination laws in England Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The late Lord Justice of appeal: the Right Hon. Sir James Lewis Knight Bruce : an essay Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The Medical and Legal Aspects of Sanitary reform Alexander P. Stewart and Edward Jenkins Alexander P. Stewart and Edward Jenkins Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The study of jurisprudence and the assimilation of law in England and Ireland: an address delivered before the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science, 18th Sept., 1867 Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown