EWJ 62


Genre Count
NonPoetry 12
Poetry 1
Gender Count
Role Count
Publisher 2
Contributor 11


Title Person Published Name Role Genre Gender
Emily Faithfull Emily Faithfull Publisher NonPoetry Female
W. Kent W. Kent Publisher NonPoetry Unknown
Factory Women and Servants Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Constancy Misplaced. From the German of Ottilie Wildermuth Ottilie Wildermuth Ottilie Wildermuth Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The First Primrose. By Bessie R. Parkes Elizabeth Rayner Parkes Bessie R. Parkes Contributor Poetry Female
Eugenie de Guerin Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The Nightingale Fund Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Letters from Brisbane Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
A Stroll through Berlin Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Watchmaking in America Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Notices of Books. (Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science.--Books of the Month) Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Open Council Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Passing Events Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown