
Genre Count
NonPoetry 34
Poetry 3
Gender Count
Role Count
Contributor 37


Title Person Published Name Role Genre Gender
Angels: ethereal and material. And sweet peas, an allegory Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Sunshine or clouds? : partly addressed to British sailors / by the author of "Flowers replaced", etc Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Flowers replaced / by the author of "Angels ethereal and material" Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Joe and his daughter Ann. A Temperance Ballad E. B. E. B. Contributor Poetry Unknown
The book we wanted for our babies, or Tales in words of not more than three letters The Sisters The Sisters Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The lost child. A true story Unsigned Unsigned Contributor Poetry Unknown
The Rules of Croquet. Revised and Corrected by an Old Hand Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The New Shoes. Or, what a little child may do. By the Authoress of "sunshine or clouds," & c. Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Widow Gray. A ballad for humble homes Mrs. Boyes Mrs. Boyes Contributor Poetry Unknown
Essays and letters Cosby Thomas Nesbitt Cosby Thomas Nesbitt Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
The Life of Christ: an eclectic Gospel Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown
Morning and Evening Prayers for Chilren. On Card Unsigned Unsigned Contributor NonPoetry Unknown